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来源:在职研究生招生信息网 发布时间:2017-04-18 14:01:50 发布者:
  1. A promotion of a country 's international trade position is associated with _________ of its currency.

  A. appreciation B. boom

  C. spiral D. prosperity


  2, A minor is going _________ the school that we will have three days off for this week.

  A. by B. ahead

  C. round D. down


  3. A small child has to learn to keep its __________ before it can walk far.

  A. weight B. scale

  C. balance D. stability


  4. A standard test is supposed to be _________ because the marking is not affected by individual preferences.

  A. subjective B. objective

  C. transparent D. influential


  5. A student sticking closely to the _________of the school is often praised by teachers.

  A.orders B. regulations

  C. principles D. interests


  6. A week after her husband died, Mary broke ________ completely and had to go into hospital.

  A. up B. in

  C. down D. oat


  7. A wooden bridge is not strong enough to _________a railway train.

  A. retain B. support

  C. maintain D. obtain


  8. A year ago the firm had a _________ loss of 4.3 million dollars or 20 cents a share after all necessary deduction.

  A. total B. gross

  C. net D. clear


  9. Able placed too much _________ on sports mad not enough on his studies.

  A. importance B. emphasis

  C. interest D. worth


  10. According to Nobel’s famous will, the interest on his fund will be _________ to five people who have made great contributions to mankind daring the previous year.

  A. contributed B. devoted

  C. distributed D. allocated










  [分析]go round 的意思是“四处走动,绕道”go by的意思是“(时间)过去,经过”;go ahead 的意思是“继续下去,开始”;go down的意思是“下沉,下降”。

















  [分析]break down的意思是“(由于过于劳累或焦虑,体力、精神)衰退,支持不住”;bread up的意思是“打碎,中断”;bread in的意思是“闯入”;bread out的意思是“爆发,突然发生。”。












  [分析]place emphasis on表示“强调……”或“重视……”;importance的意思是“重要性”;interest的意思是“兴趣”;worth的意思是“价值”;importance,interest和worth都不能和place…on搭配。


  10. [答案]C


  [分析]distribute的意思是“将分发,分配,分送”;contribute to的意思是“捐献,贡献”;devote to的意思是“将……奉献给”;allocate的意思是“分配,分派”。distribute和allocate都表示把一定数量的钱或东西在一些成员中进行分配。但在实际运用中,有一定的区别。distribute常指就整体开定量分若干份在各处分发,或将物品等发给某群体分散在各处的员。一般经济上的生产与分配中的分配都用这个词。例如:The teacher distributed the examination papers to the class.教师分发试卷给全班学生。The products should be distributed in accordance with the principle “To each according to his work”应该依照按劳分配的原则来分配产品。allocate是指某执政机构为某政府计划拨出专款。例如:Half of medical supplies have already been allocated funds for the new school.一半药品已分配给震区的受害者。The town allocated funds for the new school.这个城镇拨专款给这所新建学校。




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