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来源:在职研究生招生信息网 发布时间:2017-04-18 14:01:50 发布者:




  1.Foreign investments in recent years have____ the growth of the local economy.

  A) accelerated B) risen C) raised D) driven


  2.Over a third of the population was estimated to have no____ to the health service.

  A) assessment B) assignment C) exception D) access


  3.The people living in these apartments have free_____ to that swimming pool.

  A) access B) excess C) excursion D) recreation


  4.There is no_____ to the house from the main road.

  A) access B) avenue C)exposure D)edge


  5.What sort of_____ can you get for the night in a city like this?

  A) commission B)interaction C) recommendation D)accommodation




  1.A 四个选项分别意为:accelerate 加速。rise升高,raise 提高。drive 推动,驱动。A 项符合句意。


  2.D access ( to) 接近或进入 ……的机会,享有……的机会。assessment 估价,评价。assignment ( 分派的) 任务。exception 除外,例外。


  3.A have free access to: 自由进人……[属固定搭配]。


  4.A 句意为:从主路没有到那所房子的通道。四个名词的意义分别是:access 通路;avenue林阴道;exposure 方位;edge 边缘。根据题意应选A 项。


  5.D accommodation 住处,膳宿。commission委员会;授权。interaction 相互作用,相互影响。recommendation 推荐;建议。


地址:北京市海淀区理工科技大厦 电话: 400-617-2669

